18 Feb 2008 by Lorne Bruce OK, another OLA SuperConference in Toronto has come and gone at the start of February along with the snowstorm! I was lucky to make it to the Metro Convention Centre to give a presentation on "Centennial Libraries" that were built ...- Wild Ride buzzes OLA Super Conference
18 Feb 2008 by liam As one of the few graphic novels specifically written for kids, Wild Ride caused a good deal of buzz at the recent OLA Super Conference. Thanks to all the teacher-librarians who said hi and got a copy for their school library. ...- WIN.
16 Feb 2008 Heading to the OLA Super Conference. SD Bill Would Allow Higher Brand Fee. Council OKs disaster plan. RADIO CONTROL CAR. Bhutan blast. Pat-In Pie Crust (No-Roll). High-tech fish count. Billerica election heats up. ...
- Backlog:
- Thank-You, OLA!
5 Feb 2008 by Ami Just back from a short trip to Toronto where I picked up this gorgeous Evergreen Award from the Ontario Library Association (in the middle of a howling snowstorm, I might add...) We maritime mommies... [[ This is a content summary only. ...- The Surfacing of Slow Library: OLA Super Conference 2008
1 Feb 2008 by John It could be said that Slow Library represents a better balance of people and technology, and that seemed to be a significant part of the agenda at OLA 2008. A keynote speaker today was Carl Honoré, author of In Praise of Slow: How a ...- Upcoming events…
21 Jan 2008 by justinelibrary OLA 2008. David Sharron and I will be presenting a poster session entitled “Adventures in English Literature” on Friday, February 1. The session will detail our Special Collections/digital resources workshops offered to English students ...NB. Click here for all updates (of The OLA Superconference 2008 Blog's MEDIA MONITORING)
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
MEDIA MONITORING: What Other Bloggers Say: Update VII
Thursday, February 14, 2008
MEDIA MONITORING: What Other Bloggers Say: Update VI
- Learning 2.0 at OLA Super Conference
13 Feb 2008 by angelacw I had the opportunity to attend the OLA Super Conference recently. One of the sessions I attended was “Moving Your Library to 2.0 and Beyond”, with Amanda Etches-Johnson (McMaster University), Gail Richardson, and Beckie MacDonald ...mélange - - Through a glass darkly...
11 Feb 2008 by librarianinblack@gmail.com If you're not up for a full book that questions and criticizes the house that the web built, at least see what Keen said in a speech he gave at the Ontario Library Association's Super Conference (blogged gloriously by Amanda ...LibrarianInBlack - - Review: Eye of the Crow by Shane Peacock
11 Feb 2008 by Jen The other week when I was at the OLA Super Conference, I picked up just two books, and this was one of them. See, unlike many librarians, I'm not into the whole "grab a load of free crap" when it comes to the vendor expo. ... - What should a literate teacher be able to do?
10 Feb 2008 by Diana Deco This is quoted from David Warlick's blog 2c worth, who wrote these notes live from Stephen Heppel's keynote address at the 105th annual OLA Super Conference on January 30th. Heppell asked a group of students what a literate teacher ... - Finding the Fit
10 Feb 2008 by drbrucepk He’s commenting on a keynote by Stephen Heppell at the Ontario Library Association, and Heppell had asked students what a technology literate teacher should be able to do and they listed these things: ...The International Teacher - - Backlog:
- OLA Post: part two
9 Feb 2008 by Michelle Session # 303 Blogging in the Library Jessica Olliver, MLIS Candidate, University of Western Ontario. Jess is a friend and I was thrilled to see her present at the conference. This was a really good overview of the blogging basics and ... - Long overdue OLA post: part one 9 Feb 2008 by Michelle For those not in the biz, OLA is the Ontario Library Association, and the supercoference is huge, over 4500 attendees this year, all of whom have a connection to the library community. The conference does maintain a website, ...Yarns from M. : An Earnest, Savvy, Fetching... -
- Superconference 2008
8 Feb 2008 by glowworm I’ve been to recent Sirsidynix Superconferences, but am tending to the “no-go” for 2008. I thought last year’s event was good for content, and while luxuriating at length in a bathtub in my room that might have been used by some ... - Exhuming Taddle Creek
6 Feb 2008 toronto-sewer.jpg I met up with my editor on Friday after the OLA Super Conference. Although it will still be a couple of weeks before we can get into the serious editing of The Young City, we discussed some ideas. ... - This is a great video - Stephen Heppell was the keynote at OLA ...
5 Feb 2008 by tldlblog This is a great video - Stephen Heppell was the keynote at OLA Superconference and everyone is talking about him. Here is Stephen talking about technology in education. youtube=http://youtube. com/v/W2YCOhljF6U. - Deb's Totally Unofficial OLA Conference Blog, The Second
31 Jan 2008 by Deb Oh, kids. What a day I had. Never mind that I went over to the CBC museum, saw the tickle trunk and the Friendly Giant's Castle, never mind that I had a 'hey how you doin'" head-nod moment with Brent Bambury (I'd have preferred George ... - OLA Conference
30 Jan 2008 by Mr. T. Looking for Mr. Thomson or Mrs. Brown during Exam Return Day or the Feb. 1 PD Day? You'll find them at the Ontario Library Association Conference in Toronto! We'll be back for the start of Semester 2 on Monday; if you have library needs ... - Blog the OLA conference!
22 Jan 2008 by Jen Hey there. I just saw this posted and thought I'd share it with you. Unfortunately my laptop is too dilapidated (missing keys, shorted-out battery, etc.) that I really don't use it anymore except in my bed (well, last week I did use it ... - Research Help Debriefing Jan. 21, 2008
21 Jan 2008 by rhblog The OLA conference is next week Friday. Please make sure you have it in Corporate Time so that Frances can do the scheduling. Janice will not be starting at the Research Help Desk until the summer, due to other projects. ...
NB. Click here for all updates (of The OLA Superconference 2008 Blog's MEDIA MONITORING)
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
OLA's Super Conference 2008: Session Presentations
Wednesday, January 30, 2008 @ 9:30 AM-4 PM
- No iPod Required, Katina Papulkas :Session Presentation (.ppt)Podcasting (.pdf)Audacity download (.pdf)Control Toolbar (.pdf)Podcast Resources and Bibliography (.pdf)Audacity effects and audio (.pdf)Export Audacity MPS (.pdf)
Thursday, January 31, 2008 @ 9:05 AM
- How and Why to Bring Users Into the Service and Web Design Process Session Presentation Patricia Eastman (.pdf) / Session Presentation Terry Costantino (.pdf) / Session Presentation Melanie Rodney (.pdf)
- Libraries on the Go. A Shared Experience. Session Presentation Barbara Franchetto (.ppt)
- How and Why to Bring Users Into the Service and Web Design Process Session Presentation Patricia Eastman (.pdf) / Session Presentation Terry Costantino (.pdf) / Session Presentation Melanie Rodney (.pdf)
- Libraries on the Go. A Shared Experience. Session Presentation Barbara Franchetto (.ppt)
- “I just got hired, now what?” Transitioning From Classroom To Workplace Session Presentation (.pdf)
- Connecting for Learning: The TL as Interdisciplinarian Session Presentation (.ppt) / Handout (.doc)
- IM a Librarian: the Meebo, Skype-Unyte Solution Session Presentation (.ppt)
- New Learning Spaces to Foster a Collaborative Information Learning Community for Students Session Presentation (.zip)
- Social and Economic Value of Your Library to Your Community Session Presentation Martin Gómez (.ppt)
- Character Education @ your library Session Presentation (.ppt)Handout - Books for Building Character (.doc)Handout - Grade 7 Language lesson (.doc)Handout - Grade 10 Civics lesson (.doc)Handout - Grade 10 Careers activity (.doc)
- Enhancing the Undergraduate Experience of ESL students: A Collaborative Model Session Presentation (.pdf)
- Webquests for Literature and Information Circles Session Presentation (.ppt)
- Tipping Point and Your School Library Program Session Presentation (.ppt)- HandoutsThe Tipping Point and Your School Library Program (.doc)Thank You For: (.doc)Partners Library Coupons 1 (.pdf)Partners Library Coupons 2 (.pdf)
- "Here There Be Dragons"...Dispelling the Myths and Charting a Course to Roving Handout - Participant Material (.pdf)Handout - Additional Sources (.doc)
- Picture-book Perfect Selections Handout (.pdf)
- Get Smart @Your School Library Handout (.doc)
Friday, February 1, 2008 @ 8:00 AM
- Connecting With South Asian Customers: Developing Cultural Awareness Session Presentation Sarala Uttangi (.ppt)
- Engaging Your Community Through Assessment Session Presentation (.pdf)
- Information Literacy and the Contributions of Library Technicians in the Academic Library Session Presentation (.ppt)
- Listening to Your Library: How People with Vision Loss See Your On-Line Library Services Session Presentation Margaret Williams (.zip)
- Plagiarism in Canada and the Library's Response Session Presentation (.ppt)
- Understanding Academic Misconduct in Canadian PSE Julia Christensen Hughes (.ppt)Works Cited Joy Muller (.doc)
- Rainbow Treasure Chest: Nuggets for Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual, and Transgender Users Session Presentation (.ppt)Partial List of Elementary Titles... (.doc)Partial List of Secondary Titles... (.doc)
- The Ontario Time Machine Session Presentation (.ppt)
- Why Values Matter: The Power of Values Governance At Markham Public Libraries Session Presentation (.ppt)
- Social Networking: Innovation and Research Session Presentation (.ppt)
Libraries and Literacy Working Together Session Presentation (.ppt) - Making Better Decisions: Incorporating Evidence into your Practice Session Presentation (.ppt)Handout (.doc)
- Media Literacy - Making Movies and Posters Session Presentation (.ppt)• Handouts:Stop Film Animation (.doc)The Big Five questions for media literacy (.doc)Animation Rubric (.pdf)How to create a Read poster in Fireworks (.doc)Using Microsoft Windows Movie Maker 2 (.doc)READ Poster (.doc)
- International Role of a National Institution: Challenges and Best Practices at LAC Session Presentation (.ppt)
- Influence Without Authority Session Presentation (.ppt)
- Librarianship as a Profession: The Top Ten Trends and What They Mean For Your Career Handout (.doc)
Saturday, February 2, 2008 @ 8:00 AM
- Inside Out: Library Services At Point Of Need Session Presentation (.ppt)- HandoutsGraduate Focus Groups - Questions (.doc)Graduate Student Survey (.pdf)Library Instruction - Student Evaluation (.doc)Pre-Test Information Literacy Questionnaire (.doc)
- Talking to Strangers: Personalizing the Reference Interview Session Presentation (.pps)Handout (.pdf)
- Designing Assignments Worth the Effort Session Presentation (.ppt)Handout - Designing Assignments that Work (.doc)
- Working with an Outside Agency to Conduct a Community Survey: The Burlington Experience Telephone Survey (.doc)Proposal Authorization Form – market research services (.pdf)
- RDA : the Inside Story Session Presentation [English français] Ingrid Parent (.ppt)Session Presentation Marcia Salmon (.pdf)Session Presentation Patricia Longo (.ppt)
- Making it Theirspace! New and Practical Ways to Attract Teens to the Public Library Session Presentation (.pdf)
- Marketing on a Small Budget: a Toolkit and the Proof It Works Session Presentation Karen Thistle and Douglas Davey (.ppt)
Community Blog List - Didyou know about this list?
Monday, February 11, 2008
OLA slide show
Note for any one who is interested in going 2.0:
Saturday, February 9, 2008
MEDIA MONITORING: What Other Bloggers Say: Update V
- 7 months to grow up or till Graduation
9 hours ago by Book Lover I was at the Ontario Library Association conference last weekend volunteering. It was quite an exciting experience. It would have been more exciting had I not been sick. I had a quick look around the Exposition Hall (where all the ...- OLA
7 Feb 2008 by Alyssa Orca authors leave no book unsigned at the Ontario Library Association Super Conference last weekend:. Raquel Rivera signs… and signs… and signs… and signs… (more…)- share your experience and volunteer
7 Feb 2008 by Jennifer I'm back from OLA Super Conference 2008 where I made myself available as a volunteer, spending time over two days at the mentoring booth. I spoke with people interested in career shifts, those moving from the US and those who have.- * SUPER CONFERENCE'S UNIQUE BRAND OF EDUCATION
6 Feb 2008 Another Super Conference is over and what an excellent run of speakers and sessions we have had once more. Ethan Zuckerman, Irshad Manji, Carl Honoré provided enormous buzz with their dynamic and provocative presentations. ...OLA Headline Stories - - References- Exhuming Taddle Creek
6 Feb 2008 toronto-sewer.jpg I met up with my editor on Friday after the OLA Super Conference. Although it will still be a couple of weeks before we can get into the serious editing of The Young City, we discussed some ideas. ...- Best Bets, in books AND in friends This is a photo of Melanie with ...
6 Feb 2008 by The Mysterious Mrs. Jackson While Melanie was in TO for the recent OLA SuperConference, she found out that the Ontario Library Association has named Shadows on the Train one of its Best Bets for Children 2007. Yay! Thanks, OLA! Hey, and thanks to Gianna for taking ...- Wild Wednesday
6 Feb 2008 by Matthew A PowerPoint slideshow from an OLA SuperConference Session - Building Capacity for Learning: Learning 2.0. I'm not quite done going through it yet, but it's well worth the time. (via Stephen's Lighthouse) ...- Flu trumps blogging (and pretty much everything else)
5 Feb 2008 by Meredith Farkas All in all, it was a great conference and I learned about some exciting projects being developed by Ontario libraries. I’m definitely impressed with how collaborative libraries are in Ontario and wish we had that same spirit of ...- More Tag Clouds
5 Feb 2008 Last Thursday, I posted my notes from Andrew Keens presentation at the Ontario Library Association conference in Toronto. What’s in that blog are some fairly word-for-word quotes from his address, where I think he drew some unfair and ...- Those Super Librarians!
4 Feb 2008 by patricia storms Just a quick note to thank all the wonderful librarians and technicians who came by the Scholastic booth on Friday at the OLA Super Conference to get a signed copy of 13 Ghosts of Halloween. It was wonderful meeting you all, ...- OLA presentation
3 Feb 2008 by admin I presented a session called IM a Librarian: The Meebo, Skype-Unyte Solution at this year’s OLA Super Conference. Here are the PowerPoint slides. The slides leave out a lot. Feel free to drop me a line if you have any questions.NB. Click here for all updates (of The OLA Superconference 2008 Blog's MEDIA MONITORING)
Friday, February 8, 2008
Ethan Zuckerman Blogs OLA Super Conference
One of the spin-off benefits of inviting a blogger to speak at the Super Conference is that we're also likely to get blogged. True to form Zuckerman posted some fascinating pieces related on the Conference.
Only just hours after his plenary, a post appeared on Zuckerman's blog entitled Help, I'm surrounded by librarians. Zuckerman writes a bit about how pleased he is to have been invited to a gathering of librarians and finds significant areas of overlap with his own interests.
Okay, so I’m at Canada’s largest gathering of librarians. There are likely 4500 librarians from across Ontario in a conference center located in the funky-shaped shadow of the CN Tower. I’m here because I’ve been asked to give a keynote this afternoon. When I got the invitation, I assumed that the Ontario Library Association had wanted to invite David Weinberger, realized he was busy and invited me instead. To my surprise and pleasure, the folks who invited me, knew my work and hoped I’d come to Ontario to talk about some of the issues I addressed at the Idea Festival in Louisville late last year - the internet in the developing world, homophily, serendipity, xenophilia. Which should be fun… for me at least.
Zuckerman then goes on to cover in detail session 418 entitled "Open Source and Libraries in the Developing World" by Bess Sadler, Randy Metcalfe and Nasser Saleh who presented on the eIFL project (Electronic Informatio for Libraries). He describes the eIFL project as one area in which there is enormous overlap between his work and that of librarians.
His post entitled Oh Canada is not directly related to the Conference but at least we can take some credit for getting him up here and inspiring him to muse: "Oh Canada, that frigid, yet funky land. You have ever so much to teach us."
Finally there is Zuckerman's fascinating post on one of the spotlight speakers, Andrew Keen, author of The Cult of the Amateur who spoke about "The Democritization of Web 2.0 and Digital Narcissism". There was a nice (but unintentional) point-counterpoint to having Zuckerman and Keen booked back to back since in many ways they represent diametrically opposed perspectives on the issue of the potential of the internet for social (and political) transformation. Zuckerman was keenly (pun not intended) aware of the contrast. Unfortunately Keen was oblivious. Zuckerman writes:
I hadn’t realized, when I signed up for the gig, that I was speaking directly before Andrew Keen. Keen is one of the hottest internet skeptics right now, and has been touring to promote his book, “Cult of the Amateur”. My friend David Weinberger has been invited to debate Keen several times, most notably in the Wall Street Journal, and I found myself worrying that I’d been put on stage as a cyberutopian strawman for Keen to batter afterwards. As it turns out, that wasn’t the intention. I addressed a plenary session, then Keen ran one of a dozen simultaneous sessions. To the two hundred or so crammed into a too-small room for Keen’s talk, it likely felt that he was responding directly to my optimism about the internet - as it turns out, he hadn’t actually caught my talk, which meant that the conflict between our worldviews was an inherent one, not one created by the structure of the conference.
Too bad we didn't think to set up a debate. Zuckerman was hoping to engage Keen during his Q&A:
I had my hand up for much of the question and answer session, but didn’t get to offer my query. I got asked by several people afterwards what I wanted to ask. Basically, I planned to ask Keen when he’d become worth listening to. He argues that we should listen to experts, not to amateurs… but this is his first book. Did he become an expert in a single moment of enlightenment? Or when the check from the publisher cleared? If it wasn’t a quantum process, was there a moment as a very good amateur where he was suddently worth listening to? And if so, doesn’t that mean that there could be, theoretically, out there on the citizen-generated internet, someone else worth his time to listen to?
The discussion then continues in the comments with interesting personalities like Larry Sanger (of Citizendium) and author David Weinberger weighing in.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
MEDIA MONITORING: What Other Bloggers Say: Update IV
OLA SuperConference Session
5 Feb 2008 by stephen
We did a session for the OLA SuperConference in Toronto on Saturday. Here are the PPT's. Building Capacity for Learning: Lerning 2.0. Stephen.
Stephen's Lighthouse -
Présentation Evergreen / OLA Super Conference
5 Feb 2008 by Camille Espiau
Une présentation d'Evergreen, intitulée "Evergreen : state of the open-source ILS", a été faite le 01/02/08 par Dan Scott, lors de l'Ontario Library Association Super Conference (OLA Super Conference). Le diaporama est disponible sur ...
Groupe de réflexion sur les SIGB libres -
OLA Super Conference
5 Feb 2008 by ebonymoonblade
Greetings, all. Last week was wonderful week in that I got the chance to go to the big OLA Super Conference. Our school paid for our trip down to see the Expo, which is where every library-related vendor in the country tries to be. ...
Ebony's journal -
"...A Great Presentation at the OLA Super Conference!"
4 Feb 2008 by Of Peter,
"Dear Peter, Thank you so much for your great presentation at the Ontario Library Association Super Conference today! You have put together a very informative and thought-provoking session. In an ever growing media-blitzed society, ...
Peter Stranks-Photography, Advertising... - - References
Who is Citing / Promoting this Blog

- Connie Crosby says she found Ontario Library Association Superconference 2008 - Blog -- cited by John Dupuis at Confessions of a Science Librarian
- Jen @ Canuck Librarian posted the call for bloggers to Blog the OLA conference!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
MEDIA MONITORING: What Other Bloggers Say: Update III
"...A Great Presentation at the OLA Super Conference!"
6 hours ago by Of Peter, Thank you so much for your great presentation at the Ontario Library Association Super Conference today! You have put together a very informative and thought-provoking session. In an ever growing media-blitzed society, it is through ...Peter Stranks-Photography, Advertising... -Docutek vs IM
8 hours ago by Paul R. Pival Dan Sich from the U of Waterloo has posted the slides from a presentation he just gave at the Ontario Library Association Super Conference. The title of his talk was IM a Librarian: the Meebo, Skype-Unyte solution, and one really ...The Distant Librarian -Super Roundup
8 hours ago by theweelibrarian I’ve just returned from presenting and attending the Ontario Library Association’s SuperConference (despite a wicked snowstorm on Friday). As per usual, there were too many sessions and not enough time and I had some great conversations ...the wee librarian -The Future of Academic Libraries
10 hours ago by Joe This is a very interesting post and presentation at the Ontario Library Association Super Conference -- "My Job in 10 Years: The Future of Academic Libraries."Science and Engineering ResourcesSuperconference 2008
3 Feb 2008 by Sharon Seslija The Superconference 2008 site will have all the presentations posted for all sessions - it's a great place to go for personal teaching resources and pd. I also attended the OSLA's Hot Issues session and have a draft copy of the new ...Betty Bunhead Blog -Blog of the week January 3, 2008
3 Feb 2008 by Sylvia McNicoll Eighteen out of twenty authors showed up at the Convention Centre in Toronto on this stormy day. Most businesses and government offices, certainly schools closed. Librarians didn’t all make it. But I think everyone enjoyed it. ...Sylvia mcnicoll's Blog -ola stuff
2 Feb 2008 by Mike The session was Patricia Eastman from Toronto Public Library and two of their usability consultants. I found this to be quite a good session covering a lot of things we need to think about for our upcoming website redesign. ...ex libris -Weekend in Toronto
3 Feb 2008 by Barbara in Beamsville On Friday, I went to the Ontario Library Association Conference at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Later, Brendan and Amie and I went to a restaurant called Coca's and had a nice dinner. Then we walked back through the snow. ...Untitled -Things learned at SuperConference
3 Feb 2008 by MadJenny This week was the annual Ontario Library Association SuperConference. Held, luckily, in Toronto. There, I took part in a little of this, and also a lot of sitting listening to people, and a lot of droning on for myself. ...
Interesting Conclusion of a Blogger at the end of the day two...
"All in all it was another very well organized event with interesting speakers and topics. My only complaint was the lack of a free pen in my conference package. Also I can’t really be seen carrying around a bag covered in butterflies so I had to give the conference bag away to my Mom. I also forgot to see if Access Copyright was giving away free mints again this year. There’s always next year." [@ Library Playground -- Libraries, Technology & Me]
VIRTUAL ACCESS: Where is this access?
I am reading the following info on the OLA's Website: (under the caption virtual access)
"A professional company has been hired to make certain sessions available on the Web in video or audio format to OLA members who have not been able to come to Super Conference, or who have not been able to attend your session at the time allotted...."
My first question is to the organizers, participants, etc.: WHERE are these videos / audios? Is there a web link?
On another issue, I noticed that the Bloggers of 2007 OLA SuperConference did more visuals / colorful blog posts. Then, my second question is to the Team of SuperConference Bloggers 2008: Are we contented with mere textuals; presumably, we are better off with web 2.0 / Library 2.0 / and another feather in our cap that we are 'proud' of: Library Of Congress Images Goes Web 2.0
I am sure many participants must have clips (and may be at YouTube, Video.Google, etc). And, in case you find it any where, lets post it on the blog. Is any body reading this? Hello.....
NB. I found video that reports the ALA conference and reports OLA 2008 @ Help, I’m surrounded by librarians. :-)
Monday, February 4, 2008
Session 418: Open Source and Libraries in the Developing World
Bess Sadler, Research and Development Librarian, University of Virginia; former co-chair of eIFL-FOSS
Nasser Saleh, Integrated Learning Librarian, Queen's University
Randy Metcalf, Program Manager for eIFL-FOSS
Bess started with a few words about open source software, and the meaning of "free" - in terms of "as kittens" (where there are associated costs down the road) or "as beer" (where there are no future costs). Then she outlined Stallman's four freedoms associated with software:
- you are free to run the program;
- you are free to study and adapt the program to your needs;
- you are free to redistribute;
- you are free to improve the software and release your improvements (and the whole community benefits).
Digital collections and libraries are of growing interest in developing countries, where it is often easier to access information on foreign collections that it is to learn about local histories.
For me, one of the most eye-opening lessons from Bess's talk was when she brought up the frequent criticisms of programs working to bring open source software to developing countries: what use is it when people are starving in those places?
- The technology is a part of the solution - it facilitates the spread of knowledge and supports access to it;
- Information access is vital to alleviating poverty;
- Access to information is as basic and vital as other services; and
- Where will local experts, such as engineers or farmers, get their information from?
Both Nasser and Randy talked about what eIFL is and does, and why its work is so important. Randy also talked about the aims of the program, and the need for realism.
- Simple advocacy isn't enough (you need action to back it up);
- Understanding alone doesn't get you a functional ILS;
- Building a community takes time (it doesn't happen overnight);
- There are always more challenges than are obvious at first;
- Expectations of the community can't always be managed.
(Ethan Zuckerman's summary of the session can be found here.)
OLA Conference Archives: Historic Perspective
On the Internet, I hardly see the 100+ years history of the OLA and its conferences. Mere news story or a passing reference to the Ontario Library Association's 100th Anniversary Super Conference (COUNTDOWN TO THE EVENT OF THE CENTURY AND FOR THE CENTURY) is not my major concern.
This is not an allegation about lack of documenation or absence of primary sources to write this history. I am sure most of this archival information may be in the physical storage, i.e, main office's vault (irrespective of the case-history we are interested in, and that includes OLA, CLA, ALA, etc). Whereas, I am concerned about the fact that virtual archives, of any of these are very few and data is hard to find.In short, does anybody know where on the Internet one may find complete historic information about all the OLA's growth and developement, as well as, more significantly about the conferences -- including, abstracts, presentations, handouts, announcements, news stories, awards, etc.?
Note: recent stuff is at the OLA Website* + Wayback Machine **
Ps. I am not the only soul hunting for this type of archival materials. See the most recent inquiry @ Library 2.0 Stuff*THE SUPER CONFERENCE ARCHIVE 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004
**Wayback machine has a few traces 1999 to 2003
Sunday, February 3, 2008
MEDIA MONITORING: What Other Bloggers Say: Update II
Andrew Keen @ Super Conference
32 minutes ago by amanda OLA ’s Super Conference wrapped up yesterday — it was good. I’d say it was great but, truth is, I only made it to one session (other than my own). I had many more circled in the program, but a combination of last-minute preparations for ...blogwithoutalibrary.net -OLA Super Conference 2008: My Session
1 hour ago by John Dupuis As I mentioned the other day, I presented yesterday at the OLA Super Conference this year on My Job in 10 Years: The Future of Academic Libraries. Between the bad weather all day Friday and the 9:05 Saturday timeslot (not to mention ...Confessions of a Science Librarian -Naptime
9 hours ago by djfiander djfiander posted a photo:. Naptime. Bill Denton (wtd) rests his eyes at OLA Superconference 2008. This is, in fact, the only picture I took at this year's conference.Photos from djfiander -Top Tech Trends
2 Feb 2008 by Casey Fiander in a roundtable discussion of Top Tech Trends at OLA’s Superconference. We’ve made a pact not to share our trends with each other in advance (no peeking), so it’ll be interesting to see how much overlap we have [...]Untitled -
Session 1210: I’m Teaching As Fast As I Can
Notes were taken during the session as the presentation was going on.
Teacher librarians are making purposeful connections but how do you get a clear picture of how this benefits the whole school. We have very busy positions need to know where we are going.
We have no course profile, curriculum document, and have to maintain the library. Need a common approach, to help determine if are you progressing in the school
Set up a framework to create a vision.
Three things you can do:
1. Design a brand (library handouts)
2. Framing lessons through the Research Process
3. Use curriculum mapping to find research tasks across grades and subjects.
LibraryHandouts (branding)
Use consistent headers for all library handouts. Handouts are colour-coded. All are posted online for the kids. Colour-code the research stage handouts. Postings are categorized as well.
(Blogger's note: Interesting – what they are showing is what I’ve been doing – great to see that the same thinking is happening.)
Framing Projects using the Reseach Process
Teachers forget that students need many repetitions of a skill.
They also shared some of the challenges of getting teachers to partner and buy in to a research process. Reasons: Problem of time – planning seems like more work; curriculum content is more important than process; and planning ahead makes some teachers nervous. Some schools have numerous reports and interruptions.
There was some discussions regarding how to use the guides (Imagine the Learning, Research Success@your library, Grand Erie’s GEARS). Using the research process chunks the project and makes it easier. Chunk and assess each chunk. Many assignments involve a lot if implying. This lays it out for students.
There are inconsistencies; some classes buy in some don’t. What happens to the students who don’t get the skills and processes?
Can’t reach all teachers. Teachers that you work with can spread the word
The speakers shared that they have common library assessments completed by all students in a grade. Grade 9 Geography: Library orientation. Grade 9 Science: notes and sourcing. Grade 10 Civics and Careers: databases, effective searches. Grade 10 History – notes, sourcing, supports. Grade 11 English: plagiarism and sourcing, and they distribute Research Success@ your library.
Curriculum Mapping
A group of teacher librarians are using the Curriculum Unit Planner to extract expectations and are mapping the curriculum to determine common expectations across subjects. Projects are being developed to address these expectations in large common assessment tasks. Used the core subjects This allows for the coordination of lessons for students. This allows for consistency from class to class and save time. If students have already been tsught he skills in one course then just review, reinforcement or reminder will need to be done in the library. Curriculum mapping will allow teachers see where skills occur across curriculum.
Examples of the Curriculum Maps and projects are at Secondary T-Ls Wiki.
Session 1000: David Warlick: Harnessing the Changing Shape of Information
Peggy Thomas is introducing David Warlick. He is from N. Carolina – I look forward to hearing his southern accent.
Also showed Our Students Our Worlds – wiki documents that the presentation is based on.
Password for wiki is teacher. David invited us to edit his handouts on the wiki. Why? Because we learn from each other. He also said that his presentation is available on Slideshare. Can embed into wikis, blogs webpages by using Slideshare. He spoke about Second Life. There is an island for Second Life called EduIsland. Second Life http://landmark-project.com/sl/
Can create a virtual library on Second Life. Suruawang Dapoto (that's what David W. is called in Second Life)– showed us his avatar.
David spoke about what education prepared students for - straight rows, close supervision, repetitive tasks – but this is not the future.
He says that the cell phone is revolutionizing our culture.
How much information is accurate 2oo2 – 5 exabytes of info added (37 x Lib of Congress)- .01% was ever printed. We need to be teaching kids how to use this info.
More and more professional communications will be virtual. Clothing is being made that is fully connectable ie cellphone embedded in the jacket. GPS toe ring!!!!
First time in history we are preparing our child for a future we can not clearly describe. What do we do?
Three conversion conditions:
1. Unpredictable Future
What students learn is not as important. How they are learning is more important – teach kids how to teach themselves. (He cited the book TheWorld is Flat). Workforce requires cooperaration.
Richard Florida – The Rise of the Creative Class. Similar to what Daniel Pink has written regarding the increasing need fro right-braqined thinking. 400 000 creative arts jobs in the next couple of years. Implication – just as much funding into the creative arts as science is needed.
Our kids are 21st century but learning in 19th century classrooms.
2. Info-oriented Kids
They are social, multi-task, use multiple technolgies, have diverse family structures. Kids are learning things because they are connected. We don’t understand the vastness of the digital divide. There is power in community
As teachers we need to teach kids appropriate ways to communicate ie make the decision to write in ways appropriate to task. Many video games are learning engines. How can we harness this for educations? Book: What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy – James Paul Gee
Machinima – collaborative movie making through game.
Kids see info as raw material – they use it to make products. Kids today need:
To work in responsive information environments
Communicate with other
Share personal experiences
Form and take part in communities
Ask questions
Illustrated their accomplishments
Invest themselves
Safely make mistakes
The nature of info has change. We need to redefine literacy.
3. New information landscapes.
We can now make information find us. For example, RSS feeds, digitalization. The 3 Rs are:
Reading – exposing
Rithmetic – employing
Riting – expressly ideas
Many students are more literate that our students – Classrooms are flat.
Our job is to teach kids how to teach themselves. Not literacy, learning literacy, habits of literacy, a learning lifestyle.
Problems – Humans have a tendency to pay attention to people who think like us. We need to teach kids to question all viewpoints and look for all viewpoints.
Note: I keyed my notes during the session. Please excuse me if some content doesn't make sense. Just go to the website for handouts: http://handouts.davidwarlick.com This will also take you to a wiki called Our Students, Our World upon which this presentation is based.
Session 900: Vincent Lam
Lam suggested that there are a lot of parallels between doctors and writers, ie they spend lots of time in the library. Lam said there are a lot of doctors who are writers. What is the link? He says that writers and doctors, like shamans have an ancient shared core - they are storytellers.
Doctors go off to medical school, shamans go off for personal journey, the writer goes off and writes – personal deprivation and isolation are shared conditions. After this period, the doctor, the shaman and the writer bring something back that benefits others - the doctor his knowledge of medicine, the writer his book and the shaman his visions and stories.
Lam says that we desire an experience that transcends ourselves. Books do this. We enter the writer’s world. Just as we trust the writer when we enter his world, we trust the doctor when we enter his. The shaman lives in 2 worlds just as do writers and doctors. The doctor, the writer, the shaman inhabits the world of spirits.
For medicine, language is the bedrock. Writers and shaman also operate with language as the foundations of their practice. The art of medicine is the art of storytelling. Patients tell doctors stories and as a doctor, he must understand that story. He must pick up the thread of the narrative from the patient and provide an interpretation. That is the foundation of medicine. It took Lam 3 years to realize that writing and medicine are the same thing.
A soft-spoken man (I found it sometimes difficult to hear him), his comparison of doctors, writers and shamans was very intriguing.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
MEDIA MONITORING: What Other Bloggers Say: Update
My OLA Experience.
18 hours ago by rainbowspryte Thursday I went to OLA Superconference the huge professional conference for librarians at the International Center. Session #322: Best Bets for Children 2007 presented by Jane Salmon, Barrie Public Library; Sandy Laird, ...Insights into Air and shadowOLA Superconference Presentation on Scriblio
23 hours ago by nobody@flickr.com (misterbisson) misterbisson posted a photo:. OLA Superconference Presentation on Scriblio.Photos from misterbissonOLA Superconference Presentation: Scriblio
1 Feb 2008 by Casey I’m honored to be invited to the Ontario Library Association Superconference to present my work on Scriblio today (session #1329). A PDF of my slides is online. Scriblio has had about a year of use in production at each of three sites, ...MaisonBisson.comAndrew Keen on Digital Narcissism
31 Jan 2008 by Dave Andrew Keen at OLA SuperConference Andrew Keen says, “So instead of a dictatorship of experts, we’ll have a dictatorship of idiots.” He’s from England with fond memories of taking his motorcycle from library to library, where he, ...
Friday, February 1, 2008
Common Threads; Cyber Bullying; and Google in Academic Research
Common Threads: Social justice curriculum @ your school library:
The OSSTF (Ontario Secondary School Teacher's Federation) has been doing a series of research trips resulting in curriculum products related to current issues.
The first one, "Globalization, Sweatshops, and the Clothes We Wear", (apparently it was originally called "Common Threads," hence the name of the series/project) was based on a trip to Guatemala and is about sweat shops, child labour, and the social aspects of the clothes we wear.
The second one, "From Canada to South Africa Combatting HIV/AIDS Together", is - of couse - based on a trip to South Africa and is about the HIV/AIDS pandemic.
The latest one currently available, "Tapped Out: The World Water Crisis" is based on a trip to Bolivia and is about the social and environmental aspects of water. (I'm suprised by how many don't know that Bechtel brought all the water in Bolivia in 1980, making it illegal for people to collect rain water, but that - due to a combination of consumer outrage in Europe and direct action in Bolivia - Bechtel withdrew from the contract.)
The fourth one should be revealed come April.
These all look like good resources; see Commong Threads: An OSSTF Initiative for more information.
Re-Wiring our Youth:
This session was really about Cvberbullying, the dark side of the web 2.0 if you will. And there's more than enough sad, scary and horrible stories to go around...but with people like Sgt. Robyn MacEachern on the case (she's currently the Provincial Youth Issues Coordinator with the Ontario Provincial Police and was the presenter of this session) there's good reason to have hope and a balanced perspective.
Sgt. MacEachern has lots of experience with the issues of bullying, internet saftey, and youth; if these issues are relevant to your work and you have an oppurtunity to attend one of her presentations, I'd definately recommend it.
My favourite tip from the session was how to create a password no-one can guess: simply pick a randopm sentence, then use the first letter from each word and add some numbers for the year...
Google in Academic Research and Library Instruction:
This session was about a survey by Charlene Sorenson and Candice Dahl from the University of Saskatchewan Libraries which asked how University librarians used Google in their personal practice compared to how they used it in their formal instruction and whether there was any Faculty influence in how they presented Google in their formal instruction.
With the exception of searching for sholarly inforamtion and journal articles, the librarians in the sample tended to use Google more often in their personal practice, as compared to often they used Google in their formal instruction. Also, there was a noticeable influence from Faculty not to use Google when instructing or assisting students.
I found this to be not suprising at all; but, as is the case with any issue, it's good to document it.
I also appreciated the authors' main reflection; which, if I can paraphrase accurately, was: "it's time to transcend the issue of whether the use of Google (and other similar technology) is appropriate for academic research, and move on to learning and providing instruction around the subleties of using Google etc."
Scaredy Squirrel
Make sure to check out the Kids Can Press booth and finding out about the germaphobe Scaredy Squirrel....you are sure to fall in love with this guy.
See CANSCAIP Authors On Stage! Win Free Books!
I'm coming in as part of CANSCAIP's presentation of authors. The organization of Canadian children's authors, illustrators and performers has kindly selected a bunch of CANSCAIP authors who produced books in 2007 and given them a stage and five minutes each to talk about their book and why you might be interested in getting one for your library. Interest was so intense this year that CANSCAIP had to put names in a hat and draw out their selection at random.
This is a wonderful opportunity for all the authors, especially those from smaller presses that have to fight for attention among the bigger players, and there is going to be a lot of talent on stage.
The presentation is taking place at the Expo Theatre at the base of the 100 aisle on the Expo floor. It starts at noon and continues until about 1:40, after which authors will be on hand to autograph copies of their books. There is also a draw at the end of the presentation -- a collection of the books being promoted on stage.
So, come on out! I hope to see you there!